One of the most traditional ways to raise money throughout the year is by having an annual event of some type – whether it is a black-tie gala, a conference for other professionals, or some completely different type of event, planning always has similar themes and challenges.
No matter what you’re planning for 2018, remember to use these three important strategies to keep you sane throughout the process!
Have a Plan, but Be Flexible
Create a plan for your fundraising event so that you and your coworkers know what’s what, but remember that there are always contingencies and unforeseen circumstances. Maybe the A/V equipment will show up late, a rain storm will settle in and soak your golf course right before tee-off, or something else will come up.
While you should always have a plan, some circumstances are simply beyond control. The show can and will go on as long as you and your team remain flexible. Perhaps dates can be moved or the event can head inside; do what it takes to raise the money you need but remember the best laid plans may still need to be changed.
Communicate Early and Often
It’s critical to reach your supporters when you are putting time, energy and budget dollars into planning a major fundraising event. Whether it is a phone-a-thon, a fancy dinner or some other type of event you’ll need to have supporters’ contact information. AlumniFinder’s free Data Quality Report can identify gaps in your donor information to make it easier to contact your donors for events and fundraisers throughout the year. Get a free data check today!
Don’t Forget You
Nonprofit professionals are some of the hardest workers around, and so dedicated to their work that it’s easy to become absorbed – especially when a major fundraising event is on the horizon. Make sure you are taking time for yourself, and remember that there are resources to help you. AlumniFinder’s experts are here to assist you with finding more prospective donors, email marketing and other communications and much more!
For a free fundraising consultation with an AlumniFinder expert, just contact us by clicking here!