As a nonprofit, continuing to grow your donor base is quite possibly your first and last concern. There’s no such thing as having too many donors, and the task of retaining established ones come with a separate set of ...
How to Capture a Baby Boomer’s Attention
While Baby Boomers may have been overtaken by Millennials as the largest segment of the U.S. population, don’t count them out when soliciting donations.
Retirees are expected to donate $6.6 trillion cash and $1.4 trillion ...
Five Methods to Establish Lasting Relationships with Millennial Donors
In June 2015, the United States Census Bureau™ announced that Millennials had overtaken Baby Boomers as the ...
Clean Data Drives More Profitable Nonprofit Fundraising
Fundraising is the lifeblood of nonprofit organizations. Without successful fundraising, a nonprofit won’t be able to provide services and programs. Fundraising will always be a challenge, but targeting your ideal audience ...
3 Ways to Identify Prospective Donors by Examining Past Patterns
As a creature of habit, much like most of us are, I have preferences in my day-to-day activities that are very predictable should you examine my spending patterns. Whether my choices are need-driven, based on an emotional connection, or simply the convenience of location; I dine, shop, and spend the same way month after month.