Developing comprehensive donor profiles can be the key to elevating your fundraising efforts. But, many nonprofits do not collect employment information from their supporters. That’s where an employer data append service comes in.

By adding employment information to your database, an employment append can help you more effectively personalize your appeals, identify corporate giving opportunities, estimate donors’ capacity to give to your cause, and more.

If you work for a nonprofit that wants to improve your targeted fundraising efforts, facilitate networking opportunities, build comprehensive donor data profiles, or increase your fundraising results with corporate matching gifts—you need an employer append.

Here’s the ultimate guide to employer appends for nonprofit organizations so you can use your supporters’ employer data to inform your campaigns.

What is an employer data append service?

Employer appends, also known as employment appends, are a type of data append. According to Deep Sync, a data append is “the process of supplementing the information within a brand’s internal database with additional data from external sources.”

For nonprofits, an employer data append enriches donor databases with information about supporters’ employers. Employer data append services use hundreds of proprietary and public databases—including state and local government data and publicly available social media network data—to append employer data for the supporters in your donor database.

How can employer data appends benefit your organization?

Employer appends can help nonprofits and higher education institutions grow individual and corporate giving by providing helpful information about each donor’s employer. This information can help you improve your ability to engage donors in various ways.

So, are employer appends right for your nonprofit or higher education institution? Here are some of the top benefits to consider.

Target your fundraising efforts.

Employer data append services can help you find out where your donors work, their LinkedIn URLs, and if they’re C-level executives. Appending employer information provides valuable data for analysis and segmentation. 

This information can help you tailor fundraising appeals and outreach efforts more effectively by providing demographic insights. And, occupation and industry information can inform strategic decision-making. For example, if many of a nonprofit’s supporters work for the same company, the nonprofit could explore corporate partnership and/or sponsorship opportunities.

Cultivate relationships with donor data.

By understanding donors’ professional affiliations, nonprofits can identify connections and relationships that may be valuable for networking purposes.

The data acquired through employment appends can help organizations facilitate networking efforts and relationship-building opportunities. Cultivating relationships with donors in similar industries can help align donors more closely with your cause and provide meaningful, personalized experiences.

For example, networking events, mixers, and location-based meetups can help your supporters meet up, reconnect, and build professional relationships. By hosting these events, you’ll be providing value to your supporters and encouraging them to continue to connect with your organization in the future.

Leverage corporate matching gifts.

According to 360MatchPro by Double the Donation, about $3 billion is donated through matching gift programs every year. But, an additional $4 billion to $7 billion in matching gift funds goes unclaimed annually.

An employer data append can help you claim more matching gift donations by providing information on donors’ employers, making it easier to target those who do offer matching gifts. 

Most companies that offer matching gifts will match donations at a 1:1 ratio, allowing you to double many of the donations you receive! By leveraging corporate matching gifts, you can boost your fundraising totals without asking too much of your donors. It’s a win-win!

Why invest in employment appends?

So, why should your nonprofit invest in employment appends?

Employer appends enable you to achieve more precise targeting, improve your donor relationships, and collect more matching gifts. AlumniFinder’s employer data append services make this possible by providing key information about your donors.

This information can include:

  • LinkedIn: first name, last name, and URL
  • Current location
  • Work experience: title, company name, date started, date ended
  • Education: degree, school name, field of study, date started, date ended, full- or part-time
  • Employer: match type, employer title, industry, employer address, employer phone

Investing in an employer data append from AlumniFinder can provide all of these data points, enabling you to maximize your campaign’s impact and secure more matching gifts.

How do different types of nonprofits use employer appends?

Employer append services can benefit all different types of nonprofits, regardless of their focus.

Professional Associations

An employer append can enable effective segmentation, allowing your organization to easily distribute relevant news and job opportunities to members in specific fields.

Sorority, Fraternity, and Alumni Organizations

With more data, these organizations can help connect current students with alumni in their field—allowing for valuable alumni networking, mentoring, and volunteer opportunities.

Art and Cultural Organizations

Organizations that host a lot of events—like museums, art exhibits, zoos, and more—greatly benefit from corporate partnerships and sponsorship opportunities. The data from an employer append can help you identify relevant opportunities.

Healthcare Nonprofits

Securing major gifts becomes much easier with the data from an employer append! Use this supplemental data to power your outreach efforts.

Education-Related Organizations

Employment data can help schools and related organizations learn more about where their graduates went after graduation, like what field they went into, if they’re in a C-level executive role, and more.

How do employer appends work for fundraisers?

The employer data appending process is easy when you work with the right data append provider.

A data append service provider, like AlumniFinder, will run the donors in your database through hundreds of proprietary and public databases to complete the employer data append. These data sources include state and local government databases, as well as publicly available social network data on the internet.

Our team then uses this information to append up-to-date employer information to your donor records—giving you all the data you need to run successful fundraising campaigns.

Employer Append Services: What to Look For

When considering an employer data append, look for a service provider that offers a complimentary matching gift append. For example, AlumniFinder provides a matching gift append as part of our employment data append service.

Following your employer append, we can add information on the companies that have a Matching Gifts program, including:

  • Name of the Parent Company
  • Full Name of the Program Administrator
  • Title of the Program Administrator
  • Contact Details for the Program’s Administrative Office
  • Minimum and Maximum Gift Amounts
  • Matching Gift Ratio, and more!

Contact us to reach your supporters more effectively with a data append.

Many employers offer matching gift programs where they match their employees’ donations to eligible nonprofit organizations. By appending this employer information to your donor records, your nonprofit can identify donors who work for companies with matching gift programs and encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity to increase their impact.

Get started with an employment append, today!

If your nonprofit is looking to append data, look no further! AlumniFinder’s employer appends can help you tailor your campaigns, maximize your fundraising efforts, and help your nonprofit experience ongoing success. Contact us to get started with a nonprofit data append, today! 

For more ways to improve your existing data, check out these relevant resources:

The Fundraiser’s Guide to a Good Data Hygiene Routine: This blog post covers the basics of donor data hygiene, including how you can improve your existing database and ensure your existing records stay up-to-date.

Demographic Append Packages: Deeply understand your supporters by adding valuable demographic data to your database.

4 Tips to Leverage Matching Gifts for Alumni Fundraising: This blog post covers the basics of corporate matching gift programs, including how to identify gift opportunities and maximize potential matching gift revenue.

Contact us to improve your fundraising and marketing results with a data append.

Kelly Parrett

Kelly Parrett

As an English Literature major turned marketer, Kelly is passionate about thoughtful and impactful storytelling. With a background in B2B marketing, SEO, and journalism, Kelly enjoys applying her written and editorial skills to her role at AlumniFinder.