Your nonprofit’s website is the most valuable marketing tool you have at your disposal. It serves as a hub of information about your organization’s mission and impact, as well as the ...
3 Ways to Leverage Annual Reports for Donor Retention
Year-end is one of the busiest periods for your nonprofit’s fundraising team. Not only is it a time that inspires generosity from your donors, but it’s also when you’ll compile statistics ...
Press Release: AlumniFinder Launches DonorModel, Fundraising Analytics Solution to Predict Promising Donors
Charleston, South Carolina [August 1, 2022] – AlumniFinder, which has supported the data-driven fundraising needs of higher-education and nonprofit communities since 2001, has launched a new fundraising analytics solution ...
5 Communication Best Practices for Alumni Fundraising
For any higher education institution, alumni are the foundation of your support. They play a vital role in not only passing down school spirit to the next generation but also in funding ...
Optimize Your College’s Donation Page: 5 Tips
Donations from alumni are a core part of your college’s annual revenue, and your fundraising team continually ...
5 Keys to Engaging Millennial Donors
Millennials (typically defined as the generation born between 1981 and 1996) are the future of your nonprofit. As the largest living generation by population size with ...