Last December, we shared seven resolutions for every nonprofit organization to try in 2017! While we hope that they served you well, it’s time to revisit the resolutions and share the best ones we have to offer for 2018!
Here are our recommendations for every nonprofit or university in 2018:
- Get a Data Quality Report at no cost! This is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to find out exactly where your database is falling short. Missing records means fewer donation dollars for every campaign, all year long. Make a quick check part of your early 2018 priorities to make sure that you reach the maximum number of potential donors.
- Sign-up for AlumniFinder Search. The best tool out there for prospect research, this quickly and easily allows you to find updated information for a donor, including phone numbers, address, emails, and more. You can also see wealth indicators such as information about their home or aircraft. Get started today by registering online!
- Thank 10 donors every month. Set aside some time to make personalized calls to both high-level and mid-level donors. Everyone deserves thanks for supporting your organization’s efforts and they aren’t likely to forget that they heard from you!
- Identify donors who are likely to give. Take the guesswork out of your fundraising this year by ranking your database based on who is most likely and able to make a donation. It will save you time, effort and budget dollars from targeting those who are unlikely to donate. Find out more today by clicking here!
- Set boundaries for your work and personal life. The nonprofit industry often includes long hours with lower salaries, so it takes a high level of dedication. However, if you work constantly you’ll find yourself burning out. Set healthy boundaries about your work hours, like not answering emails late at night or truly giving yourself a weekend day off to recover. No one can work all the time!
- Strategize for the long-term. What is one process or solution you can put in place early this year that will last? Maybe it’s major database updates or dedicating yourself to more powerful email marketing. No matter what it is, try to identify one solution that moves your organization forward for the long haul.
- Enjoy your mission. In the daily hustle and bustle of nonprofit life, it’s easy to lose sight of the goal. Volunteer for one of your organization’s programs, meet people who are affected by your work – do something to reconnect with the cause to help you feel motivated about your job.
We hope this list helps you throughout the coming year, and remember – the AlumniFinder team is here to help whenever you need us!